Thursday 28 September 2017

Why do tomato plant leaves curl? Vegetable farming Botswana

Why do leaves curl on tomato plants?

Tomato leaf curl can be caused by a variety of things, in Botswana red spider mite are often the problem, if you look at the under side of the leaf you will be able to see tiny red mites and often also see lots of spider webs too. Red spider mites often arrive on your farm by means of chicken manure, you can read more on that: Here

If you don’t see bugs on the underside of the leaves, it’could be that you have a fungus problem. You can tell if it’s a fungal problem by looking at the entire plant, especially the leaves. If the leaves are lighter in color than they should be for your variety of tomato, you probably have a viral or fungal infection. The same holds true if you have spotting on the leaves. New article on fungus coming soon will link it here,

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